Tax Me If You Can: Ethnic Geography, Democracy, and the Taxation of Agriculture in Africa. 2007. American Political Science Review 101(1), 159-172.
Ethnic Minority Rule and Civil War Onset. (with James Fearon and David Laitin). 2007. American Political Science Review 101(1), 187-193.
Separate and Suspicious: Local Social and Political Context and Ethnic Tolerance in Kenya. 2013. The Journal of Politics 75(4), 921-936.
When do the Rich Vote Less than the Poor and Why? Explaining Turnout Inequality across the World (with Pavithra Suryanarayan). 2015. American Journal of Political Science 59(3), 613-672.
Paper Data
Bureaucratic Capacity and Class Voting: Evidence from Across the World and the United States (with Pavithra Suryanarayan), Journal of Politics, forthcoming.
Paper Data
working papers & work in progress
Electoral Quotas and Intersectional Discrimination: A Lab-in-field Experiment on Leadership Selection in Kenya '' (with Jonah Foong and Macartan Humphreys)
How do Violence and Local Resource Competition Change Local Ethnic Demography?: Evidence from Kenya
Ethnic Conflict and Turnout Inequality in Africa
resting papers
Electoral Geography and Conflict: Examining Redistricting through Violence in Kenya
Colonial Legacies and Ethnic Mobilization in Rwanda and Burundi in the 1950s
Ethnic Beachheads and Vote Buying: The Creation of New Administrative Districts in Kenya, 1992-2001
Selecting an Imperial President: Opposition Coalitions and the Kenyan Presidency, 1991-2002